Author Topic: [Resolved] New Keyboard not recognized by Reasnow S1 ending with beeping circle  (Read 7490 times)


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Product: S1
Firmware: Firmware V5.6.16
Keyboard: FL CMK87 (Wireless + BT + Cable + RGB Backlight)

The keyboard FL CMK87 supports 2.4G Wireless/BT/Cable with RGB backlights, and it support both Win/Mac with switch.

How to reproduce the issue:
1. switch the keyboard to 2.4G/Win mode
2. connect keyboard doge to S1
3. connect Logitech G Pro doge to S1
4. connect S1 to Be-Loader Pro
5. Enable Be-Loader Pro to connect to PS5

Expected Result:
After connecting to PS5, able to use CMK87 to control it

Actual Result:
S1 Light circle between white, blue, green ..., Not able to use CMK87 to control PS5.

What was previous success case:
while using FILCO keyboard connect to S1 with USB cable, everything works perfect with Be-Loader Pro.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 06:47:03 PM by dxxbox »


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Thanks for providing all these details, and here are some tips and questions for you:

1. upgrade to our latest beta firmware and APP, which can be found here:
2. a video to show us your wirings procedures and the LED indicator while booting
you can upload the video to youtube or other file-sharing servers, and send us the link.
3. run our latest APP and send the screenshot of its booting page.
4. do you hear any continuous beep during the booting?


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  • Posts: 5
Issue resolved after upgrade the firmware and reset the whole system.