Author Topic: Problem Keyboard?  (Read 4896 times)


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Problem Keyboard?
« on: May 21, 2021, 09:57:52 PM »
Problem does not recognize any keyboard. I have already tested three different models and none work. The mouse and the controller turn on, but the keyboards do not turn on any lights.

VĂ­deo link


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Re: Problem Keyboard?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2021, 01:00:35 AM »
white LOGO with 2 beeps, that means Cross Hair finds no controller on USB 1 port,
please check the USB cable for the controller.

and if it fails to help,
Please answer the following questions as many as possible,
so we can provide better support for you.

1. Cross Hair Manager version
2. Cross Hair hardware version
3. your console and game
4. When did you purchase this Cross Hair?
Does it ever work properly?
5. Can Cross Hair work properly on PC or other consoles?
6. which config has been activated in Cross Hair when you are facing this trouble?
7. a video to show us your trouble will be better
you can upload the video to youtube or some other file-sharing servers, and send us the link.