Hi again
it is clearly,i didn't explain myself right but i will try again
Console is PS4 and games i currently played Warafce,Cold War and Battlefield 5.
When u are playing with a controller and u want to sprint u hold L3 until u do not want sprint anymore.When i want to sprint now i press Left shift or mouse button that i keybind it with.So i sprint all the time until i press W (moving forward) to interrupt the sprint.But i want like with the controller that i have to hold Sprint for sprinting so i have more control.Every game i started sprint is like that,but i want to hold sprint for sprinting and not just push a button for sprint and i sprit non stop until i interrupt it with moving forward(W).Hope i explained myself a little bit better.
İ copy and paste now cause better explaining than me :
How do you sprint in Battlefield 5?
To sprint, the player moves while holding an the assigned sprint key (which is typically set to Shift on the PC, and by depressing the left analog stick on console controllers). In most games, players can only sprint while standing.
İ want that too
.For sprinting holding a key not just press one time and i sprit non stop.
Thx again for any help.