the efforts of the technicians, the configuration of the parameters you requested has been successfully settingsOptions/Controller/Advanced Look Controls:Custom Look Controls = OnDead Zone = 0%Outer Deadzone = 1%Response Curve = 0%Per Optic Settings/Per Optic ADS Sensitivity = OffYaw Speed = 500Pitch Speed = 500Turning Extra Yaw = 0Turning Extra Pitch = 0Turning Ramp-up Time = 0%Turning Ramp-up Delay = 0%ADS Yaw Speed = 500ADS Pitch Speed = 500ADS Turning Extra Yaw = 0ADS Turning Extra Pitch = 0ADS Turning Ramp-up Time = 0%ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay = 0%Target CompensationTarget Compensation = OnMelee Target Compensation= OnTarget Compensation Style = Default
@Austin sorry I didnt see your response , please you can send me anytime on discord @devilboss93