Hello Richard,
I've been using Crosshair for 2 years and I am very satisfied with this device however I use it mostly in Battlefield series.
Apart from that I have purchased an order for Reasnow S1 on Mega Deal store because my Crosshair cannot be upgraded to use mobile application due to its version is 1.7.5.
According to tracking sites it's on its way and arrives soon and I am very curious what it's like compared to its predecessor

But the reason why i am here is to ask some advice in regard to the proper DPI settings.
I have tried different settings but reading other users settings and your recommendation now I am a bit perplexed referring to which DPI would be the golden mean.
I use Logitech G403 Mouse that is able to 12000 DPI maximum which is supposed to use for the best performance and turning speed. I use it on 500HZ polling rate.
To be honest when I play on 12000 DPI in Battlefield 5 the game and movements are very smooth but in close quarters or close range combats it's quite comfusing to controll the movements and the aiming even though I reduced the HIP and ADS sensitivity. After I had lowered the DPI to 4000 and increased ADS and HIP I was surprised because by that settings the mouse movements became easier to control but the turning movements seemed a bit slow that also caused a measure of drawback in these combats.
Based on your experience which modification could be the most advisable DPI settings in case of a mouse like Logitech G403 that I also could use at Reasnow S1?
If DPI settings are correct and the game works well on Crosshair could it work or be fit on the new S1 or some modification might be necessary ?
Thank you in advance