Author Topic: Issue with a new Cross Hair connected to Logitech G27 and PS4 Pro  (Read 7681 times)


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Dears all, Please,I need your help me:

Yesterday I was installing the crosshair to connect a Logitech G27 steering wheel to my PlayStation 4 Pro to play the GT Sport 2018 but the operation is not correct.
I have followed the manufacturer's instructions step by step and the only thing that works on the Logitech G27 are the buttons on top, bottom, left, right, breech pedal, brake and clutch. When connecting the steering wheel to the crosshair it does not calibrate, it only makes a small movement but does not make the left and right turns of calibration. I was trying to connect everything again for many hours and even uninstalling the hardware and reinstalling again but it is impossible. The steps I do are the following:

1.- I connect Cross Hair (brand new) to the PC and I execute Cross Hair v.4.5.45.
2.- When it detects the Cross Hair I install the firmware to the latest version.
3.- Then I choose the GT Sport game (brand new), I confirm that the flyer is the Logitech G27, Startup and save the data.
4.- I turn on the PlayStation 4 Pro (brand new).
5.- Load the GT Sport 2018 game updated to the latest version to be able to play online.
6.- Once the GT Sport is loaded, according to the manual it says to disable the control of the PlayStation 4 before connecting everything to the Cross Hair (Logitech G27 included)
7.- I connect the Logitech G27 and the main control of the PS4 Pro to the Cross Hair EVEN WITHOUT CONNECTING CROSS HAIR TO THE PS4.
8.- Now I connect the Cross Hair to the PS4 Pro, the Cross Hair starts to do its test correctly (it flashes in colors until it reaches the green color and a final beep saying that this test is perfect), it connects the main control of the PS4 and the Logitech G27 steering wheel without running the steering wheel correctly doing the calibration attempt as I said before.

Please, I need you to help me. If you want I can send you a video of how I install the crosshair and the controls. I was very excited to play but it has been impossible. If I do something wrong please tell me what I am doing wrong but I am following all instructions of the manufacturer and I bought the PS4 Pro only to be able to use the Cross Hair with my G27 handwheel from Logitech.

I hope your answer.

Many tanks !


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Re: Issue with a new Cross Hair connected to Logitech G27 and PS4 Pro
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2018, 12:27:27 AM »
it might be the power supply of your G27 wheel, please check that carefully.

if you really can't figure it out,
a video will be better.

post your video's link here or send it to


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Re: Issue with a new Cross Hair connected to Logitech G27 and PS4 Pro
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2018, 02:43:48 AM »
Many thanks Richard but
I checked the power supply and this is ok (see videos) ok! and usb's cables.

In this moment I send you by email two videos, ok?

I hope your support.

Many thanks !


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Re: Issue with a new Cross Hair connected to Logitech G27 and PS4 Pro
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2018, 08:44:09 AM »
got them.
can  you also send some screenshots of your settings in Cross Hair Manager?


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Re: Issue with a new Cross Hair connected to Logitech G27 and PS4 Pro
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2023, 12:28:59 AM »
Any progess on this? I have exactly same issue on the PS4 and the game (GT Sport) just don?t recognize the G27.


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Re: Issue with a new Cross Hair connected to Logitech G27 and PS4 Pro
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2023, 01:26:46 PM »
we tested our G27+PS4, no issue at all.

Please answer the following questions as many as possible,
so we can provide better support for you.

1. Cross Hair Manager version
2. Cross Hair hardware version
3. your console and game
4. When did you purchase this Cross Hair?
Does it ever work properly?
5. Which peripherals are connected to Cross Hair? please provide the specific model and producer.
6. which config has been activated in Cross Hair when you are facing this trouble?
7. a video to show us full details of your trouble
you can upload the video to youtube or some other file-sharing servers, and send us the link.