I have found the CrossHair very useful, specially regarding to macros.
I have, however found that the maximum time a command can happen is limited to 10.000 ms. This can be a problem if the macro you are using involves a loading screen. The fix is simple: Just add another empty command with the extra time you need for the game to load.
Now here is the issue: When I run into a very complex macro (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVI3v1j4izA ) that involves fighting and turning and going somewhere to die and respawn, the 20 maxium command limit becomes a problem.
While 5 maxium operations per command it's just fine (I belive), having only 20 commands per macro might be way too little for very tedious farming tasks that you would preffer not to do, but that you could configure to auto farm.
For example, in the video above, that exact same sequence, made by an human and optimized, would take about 65 hours. My macro will probably take way longer time, maybe about 100-120 hours.
This is why I am requesting to
increase the maximum ammount of commands per macro, even if the amount of macros is limited to 1, we can always back up and restore the macros, so the amount of macros is not really an issue.
Please take a look into it.
Thank you.