Hi Richard , its been a while since the last time Ive made the request to controll the left stick with the mouse , and I have to admit you guys are amazing , thanks for supporting your costumer the best way possible , I still using cross hair to fly choppers and it gave me a precision that its impossible to have with a controller ,I also still poosting videos
That beeing said can I make a last request ? the thing is , to make the chopper more agile , we need to put a curve on the movement, this way the YAW and ROLL becomes more responsible , but there is a problem on it , the PITCH movement obtains a lot of aceleration ,and them becomes very hard to aim on 1 vs 1 helicopter fight.
Ive already tried to ajust the YX ratio , and it gave me controll over the sensibility of the PITCH movement, but the curve stills influencing on it, because of the aceleration it haves, and them the PITCH stills beeing hard to controll ( the acceleration affects my muscle memory I think ).
The request would be a way to ajust the sensibility and the curve of the Y and the X axis individualy , this way I can put a curve on YAW and ROLL but maintain the PITCH without one ,so it wont have acceleration and wont afect my muscle memory .
Is it possible to be done Richard ? also thanks again for the support , best MK adapter so far