Author Topic: Need help to get Madcatz SFIV Arcade Fightstick Tournament Edition working  (Read 239035 times)


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Hi, we just finished a full test on the Madcatz SF4 Arcade Fightstick TE, and also captured the data on PC. every button and stick works well with Cross Hair.
but the captured data is different from what you sent to us. we have no multiple buttons at the same time. we always find multiple buttons are being pressed in your data.
can you recapture the data on PC again?
1. do press the buttons one by one with sufficient interval,
2. and then push your stick up,down, left and right slowly.
you can do the above 2 steps several times, but remeber to do it with sufficient interval.
and then send us your result.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 10:32:14 AM by richard »


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Hi Richard,

I recaptured the data again on PC like you told me.
Capture Data has been send to you via email.


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Got it, will reply later!


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we checked all the data you just sent carefully,
and it's basically the same as the data we captured on our Madcatz SF4 Arcade Fightstick TE.
so we believe, your fightstick should work well with Cross Hair.

Please follow our instructions below strictly and orderly,

1. power on your PS4
2. turn off your PS4 controller(not the game console) before connecting it to Cross Hair.
3. Connect PS4 controller to USB PORT1 of Cross Hair, and your fightsitck to USB PORT2 or 3 of Cross Hair.
4. then connect Cross Hair to PS4
5. wait for a breathing LOGO, which means it's working well
6. press SHARE+OPTIONS buttons on PS4 controller to enter CONFIG MODE,LOGO’s light will be turned off in this mode.
7. press the PS button on PS4 controller to enable key mapping,LOGO will show flashing blue,
This means you can choose one button on PS4 controller to be mapped.
8. press a button on PS4 controller
9. and then press a button on your fightstick, which will be used as previous button on PS4 controller
--You can repeat 8 and 9 to map all the buttons.
10. press SHARE+OPTIONS buttons again to exit the CONFIG MODE

You can also watch the video below, it will show you how to do the mapping.

ReaSnow Cross Hair Mapping buttons in game

If you still can not figure things out yourself,
please send us a video(by youtube or other ways) of your following the above instructions.
please have Cross Hair and your fightstick and DS4 controller in the screen, if you need to send us a video.

It will help us to find the reason.


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I again tried what you wrote in your instructions.
All I can say is, that it is not working.
I do all what you wrote in the instructions. And all works fine until step 9.
When I´m pressing a button on the stick, nothing happens.
The LOGO´s light stay blue and that´s it.
It doesn´t matter which Button or stick direction I´m pressing.
I´m wondering why this works with your SF4 Arcade Fightstick TE.

I have shared a video on Youtube with you.
You should have a email invitation now to see the video.


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hi,you mentioined in previous post that your fightstick was found as "PC USB Wired Stick 8838" on PC,
and you can't have its stick and buttons detected.

and later you report the fightstick works on you laptop,
did you just change a computer or did you need to install a special driver to have it work?


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I first tried in on my desktop PC. The stick doesn't work there because the motherboard uses NVIDIA deployed chipset.
Then I had the idea to try It with my Laptop PC.
On the Laptop the stick does work and I captured all the following data from there.
I don't know what kind of driver the Windows operating system is using for the stick.


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sorry for the delay, I just got a confirmed report from our engineers.

1. the fightstick we got is "Madcatz Fightstick Pro", it's not the same as yours.
    but all the communication between the fightstick and a PC is identical,
    for we have captured and compared all the data.
2. we believe we are facing a similar problem like a motherboard with NVIDIA chips

and we are still working on it, it might take some time.
please kindly wait for our further reply.


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do the engineers have an estimation how long it will take to have a solution?
Because the time to return the item to the seller has past and still I can't use the Cross Hair.


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we are trying to get an identical model just like yours,
but it's a old one, we will need some time to find it.


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another 10 days have past.
Is there any hope to get a solution for my issue soon?


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Hi Antiriad,

We are still trying to get a sample just like yours,
it has not been forgotten.
but our agent give no good result in these days,
we will try our best to solve it for you.

BTW, can you try plugging the fightstick into a USB hub and then connecting the USB hub to Cross Hair?
please make sure this kind of connection works on PC first.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 10:14:43 AM by richard »


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I don´t own a USB Hub, so I can´t check what you told me.
Any news from your agent?


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it's really an old type.we tried many ways, but get no good news.
if possible, we do suggest you may use a USB hub to do the test, it will be much easier than having a sample fightstick.


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Hi Richard,

like I said before, I don´t own a USB hub and don´t want to waste additional time and money for that.
Maybe it is best to sell the crosshair to someone else, who has the time and the nerves for it.


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Hi Antiriad,

Yes, i realized this post has not been replied for many days, although we find a similar model, "Madcatz Fightstick Pro"
and support it , but that can not solve your problem.(Madcatz SFIV Arcade Fightstick TE for PS3)

and your type is really an old one, our resouces are limited to have one under test.

Please kindly understand our position, we can not just buy all the peripherals in the market, and test it.
our common solution(capturing data) can not solve a hardware compatibility problem,
and we can not get an same model under test.

We have tried and with no good result, please accept our apology for that!