I do not know why you spam the forum. Nobody else has problem with the settings so far. Gameplay video depends on the players. There are many other videos on youtube about other games and but settings will not be more comfortable for you just because somebody share a gameplay video. I do not understand what you expect. The recommended settings have been shared and available for xbox and ps5 users. Do not expect other users to solve your problem or will find what the best is for you.
You have to take your time and find your best settings if you want to differ from the default or there is no other settings to be shared.
For my part i changed the default settings a little and turned off aiming left/right accelereation (set to 0) and add HIP subconfig smoothness 3. DPI 7000 refresh rate 500. It is perfect no issue with the movement.
It does not matter how many times you ask the same thing by creating a new topic and spam the forum because nobody will create video about what is evident what's more as i have already told you not sure that other player's settings would be suitable for you.