Hi. I installed it. Didnt work. Using some random toshiba BT device. I just bought another one with the specific chipset you've mentioned in the guide:
https://es.aliexpress.com/item/USB-CSR4-0-Bluetooth-receptor-de-Audio-adaptador-negro/32973352273.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5dd763c0pBamogIs the cheapest one I've found (bought the round option). Will let you know if it works whenever arrives home (3 - 4 weeks from now).
I've reverted back without any issues back to the 4.x.x version (whatever it is).
About the app: although it didnt found the device (seems not to be a supported chipset), I have an old Samsung Galaxy Trend II, on 4.0.4 android version that gave me the error 301 and not being able to access the bluetooth to search for devices. I've checked with two other phones (6 android version or something like that) and work just fine (although, again, didnt find the device).
The idea of "on the fly" configuration, using your phone, is absolutelly fantastic. I would have loved this when I had to build a 1 minute long macro to farm on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the N. Switch.
Since I am a very very big nerd, I have an important question though:
I've seen how you could attatch an HID USB Hub on USB port 1 (port 2 is for BT device and port 3 is for wired controller).
Now, my question is: could you attatch two different keyboards to the USB hub and a Logitech G13 gameboard and a mouse (4 devices total)?
Thank you for your very hard work.