1. Cross Hair Manager version, which you are using right now. 4.5.69 but there is several weeks i did'nt use manager
2. Cross Hair hardware version, sorry but i don't understand i think i have the last version of device, no number in
3. you console and game, nintendo switch and fornite battle royale
4. When did you buy this Cross Hair? average 6 months
Does it ever work properly? yes
5. The color and state(breathing or stable) of the LOGO on Cross Hair when you are in troulbe?
do you hear any continous beeps? how many beeps do you hear in one cycle? Any color and breath, any beeps.. always work proprerly
6. Which peripherals are connected to Cross Hair? please provide the specific model and producer.
PS: All peripheral should be connected to Cross Hair first, before connecting Cross Hair to game console. keyword k120 logitech and mouse KLIM AIM, i always maked the connections in the way in the question and be sure that wire can't move when i use it. (managing and gaming)
7. Do you see any indication on the screen of your console during the trouble? no, yesterday was ok, today doesnt work..
8. Can you guess what has caused your trouble? If you don't know, please just skip this question.
Yesterday i came back home from work and i made nintendo and game upload. I played 2 or 3 games and i stopped there. This morning i would play again and i was suprising that it doesn't turn it on when i plug in to the dock switch. Then i tried to plug it with manager, same problem, and then i tried the reset button in same time to plug with manager, but nothing works..
please i was really happy about the device.. i want it back as fast as possible.. waiting for your answer, thank you