ReaSnow Forum
Products => ReaSnow S1 => Game Profile Request and Sharing => Topic started by: xTimonek on December 05, 2024, 07:11:49 AM
Request to train Apex Legends on PS5 in Classic without deadzone and in linear without deadzone
Classic without dead zone config has been added. Please search for it in the PS4 section, which is also available for PS5.
Richard gave you linear without dead zone config a few days ago, in the discord channel.
The problem is more serious - data from Classic leaks to ALC and vice versa, which causes incompatibilities in the Apex Legends training. We preferably need 7/2 classic and linear training without deadzone and ALC optics turned on, I use 8.2, 9.6 and the rest 10 and optics turned on in ALC and ALC turned off , so data is leaking, the problem has been known for a long time, but I didn't panic until I did advanced settings
Classic without dead zone config has been added. Please search for it in the PS4 section, which is also available for PS5.
Richard gave you linear without dead zone config a few days ago, in the discord channel.
Do we have this for Xbox too ? I want that too please I searched it but couldn?t find it
Here it is.
Thank you so much ! Is linear on the file but not classic is normal ?
Hey Austin is possible to train ALC with 0 0 0 500 500 please please ??
With max fov please ? I really like the ALC and enjoy it, but will be better with 0 0 0 please
where is linear no deadzone for ps5 ? I have looked on discord but cant find anything.
With max fov please ? I really like the ALC and enjoy it, but will be better with 0 0 0 please
First of all, thank you for your support to our community. I noticed that you made 3 different configuration requests in a short period of time. What is your reason? If you abuse the request to generate configuration, we may refuse to generate configuration for you in the future.
where is linear no deadzone for ps5 ? I have looked on discord but cant find anything.
Please let me know your Discord user name. I'll send it to you by PM
With max fov please ? I really like the ALC and enjoy it, but will be better with 0 0 0 please
First of all, thank you for your support to our community. I noticed that you made 3 different configuration requests in a short period of time. What is your reason? If you abuse the request to generate configuration, we may refuse to generate configuration for you in the future.
Thanks to you,is my first request about this configuration and is not 3 different configuration is only one
because I tried the linear you share, I didn?t like it and I like more the alc on the app, I juste want the alc for Xbox Series X like this please
Deadzone 0
Outer Threshold 1
Response Curve 0
Yaw Speed: 500
Pitch Speed: 500
ADS Yaw Speed: 500
ADS Pitch Speed: 500
How long does it usually take?
How long does it usually take?
Usually within 1-2 business days
With max fov please ? I really like the ALC and enjoy it, but will be better with 0 0 0 please
First of all, thank you for your support to our community. I noticed that you made 3 different configuration requests in a short period of time. What is your reason? If you abuse the request to generate configuration, we may refuse to generate configuration for you in the future.
Thanks to you,is my first request about this configuration and is not 3 different configuration is only one
because I tried the linear you share, I didn?t like it and I like more the alc on the app, I juste want the alc for Xbox Series X like this please
Deadzone 0
Outer Threshold 0
Response Curve 0
Yaw Speed: 500
Pitch Speed: 500
ADS Yaw Speed: 500
ADS Pitch Speed: 500
I entered the game and found that there were some differences.
1. The minimum "Outer Threshold" value is 1.
2. If you set the "Deadzone" value below 10, the screen keeps drifting and could not be corrected.
With max fov please ? I really like the ALC and enjoy it, but will be better with 0 0 0 please
First of all, thank you for your support to our community. I noticed that you made 3 different configuration requests in a short period of time. What is your reason? If you abuse the request to generate configuration, we may refuse to generate configuration for you in the future.
Thanks to you,is my first request about this configuration and is not 3 different configuration is only one
because I tried the linear you share, I didn?t like it and I like more the alc on the app, I juste want the alc for Xbox Series X like this please
Deadzone 0
Outer Threshold 0
Response Curve 0
Yaw Speed: 500
Pitch Speed: 500
ADS Yaw Speed: 500
ADS Pitch Speed: 500
I entered the game and found that there were some differences.
1. The minimum "Outer Threshold" value is 1.
2. If you set the "Deadzone" value below 10, the screen keeps drifting and could not be corrected.
Yes my bad the value is 1
But is still will possible to do it by chance please ?
Maybe low sens ?
How long does it usually take?
Usually within 1-2 business days
Omg thank you so much can?t wait to have this, thank you so much for doing this for me !!
With max fov please ? I really like the ALC and enjoy it, but will be better with 0 0 0 please
First of all, thank you for your support to our community. I noticed that you made 3 different configuration requests in a short period of time. What is your reason? If you abuse the request to generate configuration, we may refuse to generate configuration for you in the future.
Thanks to you,is my first request about this configuration and is not 3 different configuration is only one
because I tried the linear you share, I didn?t like it and I like more the alc on the app, I juste want the alc for Xbox Series X like this please
Deadzone 0
Outer Threshold 0
Response Curve 0
Yaw Speed: 500
Pitch Speed: 500
ADS Yaw Speed: 500
ADS Pitch Speed: 500
I entered the game and found that there were some differences.
1. The minimum "Outer Threshold" value is 1.
2. If you set the "Deadzone" value below 10, the screen keeps drifting and could not be corrected.
Yes my bad the value is 1
But is still will possible to do it by chance please ?
Maybe low sens ?
?But is still will possible to do it by chance please ?? ?Maybe low sens ??
We are sorry but have tried everything and cannot correct the drift below 10. The lowest stable value is 10, regardless of sensitivity.
Okay I will be happy with this thank you so much for your support when is will be available can?t wait 😍
Through the efforts of the technicians, the configuration of the parameters you requested has been successfully generated.
in-game settings
Options/Controller/Advanced Look Controls:
Custom Look Controls = On
Dead Zone = 0%
Outer Deadzone = 1%
Response Curve = 0%
Per Optic Settings/Per Optic ADS Sensitivity = Off
Yaw Speed = 500
Pitch Speed = 500
Turning Extra Yaw = 0
Turning Extra Pitch = 0
Turning Ramp-up Time = 0%
Turning Ramp-up Delay = 0%
ADS Yaw Speed = 500
ADS Pitch Speed = 500
ADS Turning Extra Yaw = 0
ADS Turning Extra Pitch = 0
ADS Turning Ramp-up Time = 0%
ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay = 0%
Target Compensation
Target Compensation = On
Melee Target Compensation= On
Target Compensation Style = Default
from what I know, just set deadzone to 1 and the rest to 0 and there should be no drift
Through the efforts of the technicians, the configuration of the parameters you requested has been successfully generated.
in-game settings
Options/Controller/Advanced Look Controls:
Custom Look Controls = On
Dead Zone = 0%
Outer Deadzone = 1%
Response Curve = 0%
Per Optic Settings/Per Optic ADS Sensitivity = Off
Yaw Speed = 500
Pitch Speed = 500
Turning Extra Yaw = 0
Turning Extra Pitch = 0
Turning Ramp-up Time = 0%
Turning Ramp-up Delay = 0%
ADS Yaw Speed = 500
ADS Pitch Speed = 500
ADS Turning Extra Yaw = 0
ADS Turning Extra Pitch = 0
ADS Turning Ramp-up Time = 0%
ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay = 0%
Target Compensation
Target Compensation = On
Melee Target Compensation= On
Target Compensation Style = Default
I appreciate all the effort you put into this!!
Is training with linear? Because is not like the alc actually we have on the app with 0 1 15 when I moving on the menu is like the linear version
Is still possible get the alc with the 10 ? Maybe is better than the one you make ? If not is fine
But anyway thank you so much
I tried with 0 2 0 I way better than 0 1 0 I
Is possible get the alc you say will be better with 0 1 10 ? Pls ?
Well, we have already added apex(AA) config, which is trained with 0 1 15, you can try this. 0 1 10's curve is similar to 0 1 15, the only difference is 0 1 10 is faster than 0 1 15
Thank you for answering to me but actually I play with the apex AA but I will most likely the 10 if can you just make this one for me pls pls pls and that will be my last request for configuration
@Austin sorry I didnt see your response , please you can send me anytime on discord @devilboss93
@Austin thank you so much for real that was quick thank you thank you I love this one you did I will keep this and I can?t believe it you did thank you infinity
@Austin sorry I didnt see your response , please you can send me anytime on discord @devilboss93