ReaSnow Forum

Products => ReaSnow S1 => Topic started by: marronnier_3532 on April 05, 2024, 10:51:38 AM

Title: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 05, 2024, 10:51:38 AM
When will 1000hz be supported when connected to a PC? The current date is 2024, but isn't it a bit harsh that it's still only 125hz? When will you fix it?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Wacken on April 05, 2024, 11:17:28 PM
Go to Global Settings in the app. At the bottom you will find USB Response Rate. There you can set 1000hz. I just tested it myself on the PC.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 08, 2024, 06:33:40 AM
The same applies even if I set that setting.
Please attach the test results with 'xinputtest'.
All 5 reasnow s1 +c1 users around me only get 8ms (125hz).
What they claim to be 1000hz is assumed to be internal, not the communication speed between the PC and reasnow. This is a serious flaw.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 08, 2024, 10:31:15 AM
Using ReaSnow S1 on a PC
For the mouse and keyboard, we limit the reporting rate to 125Hz. For controllers and other devices, the polling rate depends on your settings.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 08, 2024, 06:31:18 PM
I'm not talking about keyboard and mouse.
I'm talking about a converted controller.
Check again. There is a program called xinputtest.
You can measure the polling rate of xinput in the pad state, so many people are now measuring the polling of the controller with that program.
Even your competitor converters like xim matrix or aimzenix all measure 1000hz, but only yours measures 125hz.
Give it a try and tell me.
I think you guys need to check the communication speed with the PC.
reasnow doesn't even support overclocking with the hidusbf program. Sony's DualSense supports overclocking.
The most important thing is that this difference is evident on monitors with high refresh rates.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 09, 2024, 06:01:17 AM
Using ReaSnow S1 on a PC
For the mouse and keyboard, we limit the reporting rate to 125Hz. For controllers and other devices, the polling rate depends on your settings.

Why are there such restrictions on keyboard and mouse? Is this right? People buy converters to gain an edge in competitive games, so why impose these restrictions? Even on a PC?

The manual you produced recommends 250-1000hz.
There is no talk of a 125hz limit.
What kind of joke is this?

it's 2024 now.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 09, 2024, 09:57:39 AM
we set that limit to mouse move only for the best performance,
there is no such limit to the keyboard.
USB communication between S1 and PC can support 1000z with no problem.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 09, 2024, 10:17:43 AM
richard im playing on a good pc that can handle 1000hz and even 8000hz without any problem, if you can remove this limit please that's not good at all, no one who game at 2024 on (PC) will not handle the 1k polling rate, even the ps5 and xbox got the 120fps update at many games which mean they can handle it, you can make it by choice but not by force cuz that's why i feel reasnow s1 aim is so bad since the last updates
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 09, 2024, 10:48:36 AM
@Richard, since you said that publicy now that explains alot to me when i plug my ximmatrix or ximapex i don't have the feeling of 60fps on the 240hz monitor but when i plug my reasnow s1 i get the feeling of 60fps and stutters and fps drop + aim became so so bad and i have discussed that with you long time ago and you said everything is fine and you didn't mention the 125hz mouse, man that's so bad so so bad you have no idea and the person who suggested to do this no way no way he cares for reasnow s1 sales, and that also explain why only reasnow s1 old firmwares are soo much better from the shitty new one
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 09, 2024, 11:12:52 AM
we set that limit to mouse move only for the best performance,
there is no such limit to the keyboard.
USB communication between S1 and PC can support 1000z with no problem.

I bought this product because it was advertised as being capable of running at 1000hz on PC.
However, nowhere does it say that this support has ended and only 125hz is supported.
I would not have purchased this product if I had known about it and your direction.

I have doubts about your direction.

Why do we use converters?
You should think about the fundamental reason why we use converters.

I'm not using a controller
I don't have a device that can use 1000hz unless my mouse runs at 1000hz.
This is because 1000hz does not actually have much meaning for keyboards.

Please tell me how I can use the mouse at 1000hz. Any firmware.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 09, 2024, 11:19:07 AM
@Richard, since you said that publicy now that explains alot to me when i plug my ximmatrix or ximapex i don't have the feeling of 60fps on the 240hz monitor but when i plug my reasnow s1 i get the feeling of 60fps and stutters and fps drop + aim became so so bad and i have discussed that with you long time ago and you said everything is fine and you didn't mention the 125hz mouse, man that's so bad so so bad you have no idea and the person who suggested to do this no way no way he cares for reasnow s1 sales, and that also explain why only reasnow s1 old firmwares are soo much better from the shitty new one

Which version should I use to support 1000hz on my mouse?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 09, 2024, 12:12:31 PM
they disabled the servers that support old firmware on mobile phones to force us to play on these shitty new updates which have 125hz and shitty aim i feel really mad with reasnow s1 dev team and fourm team aswell right now
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 09, 2024, 12:18:31 PM         look at my post a while ago :)))
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 09, 2024, 02:15:57 PM
This is a basic usage issue and making changes to it would involve a lot of parties. We will evaluate it carefully and improve it in future updates.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 09, 2024, 08:49:16 PM
This is a basic usage issue and making changes to it would involve a lot of parties. We will evaluate it carefully and improve it in future updates.

Can't you feel the difference between 1000hz and 125hz? Even in competitive games?

The controller outputs at 1000hz, and the mouse is limited to 125hz.
What kind of 'for the best performance' are you talking about?

This performance is only worse than that of a $23 converter...

Polling rate is just the basics of basics.
No matter what other features it excels at,
Everything is restricted by this limitation.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 10, 2024, 10:10:10 AM
thanks for the feedback!

we are collecting all possible feedback from users now,
will assess it carefully before any decision.

for now, if you have any issue with the mouse control of S1,
please show it to us with a video.

it might be more efficient for us to help you.

we would like to help.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 11, 2024, 02:48:36 PM
thanks for the feedback!

we are collecting all possible feedback from users now,
will assess it carefully before any decision.

for now, if you have any issue with the mouse control of S1,
please show it to us with a video.

it might be more efficient for us to help you.

we would like to help.

We're talking about common sense and obvious things, but there's no need for a video.

You didn't answer my question.

Limiting mouse movement to 125hz
What kind of ?performance? is this action for?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 12, 2024, 10:25:39 AM
there are lots of parameters in our design,
which will bring different outcomes to users.
this updating speed is just one of them.

if you have any specific issue, please provide your details.
and of course, it's completely ok to compare our S1 with any other competitors, xim, or cronus, titan or any other cheap ones.

to report mouse-movement issues efficiently, please provide all the following details:
1. your console and game
2. mouse DPI/CPI and USB report rate, mouse model, and producer
3. settings in the game on console, such as sensitivity, dead zone, acceleration, aim assist, etc. 
   it's better to restore all settings in game and change the settings as shown in our APP, and try it again with a default game config.
4. which config has been activated in ReaSnow S1?
your settings for HIP/ADS /HIP YX Ratio/HIP MIN/ADS YX Ratio/ADS MIN/curve in this config
5. ReaSnow S1 firmware and APP version
6. a video to show us your trouble
please upload the video to youtube or other file-sharing servers, and send us the link.

Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 12, 2024, 05:26:16 PM
there are lots of parameters in our design,
which will bring different outcomes to users.
this updating speed is just one of them.

if you have any specific issue, please provide your details.
and of course, it's completely ok to compare our S1 with any other competitors, xim, or cronus, titan or any other cheap ones.

to report mouse-movement issues efficiently, please provide all the following details:
1. your console and game
2. mouse DPI/CPI and USB report rate, mouse model, and producer
3. settings in the game on console, such as sensitivity, dead zone, acceleration, aim assist, etc. 
   it's better to restore all settings in game and change the settings as shown in our APP, and try it again with a default game config.
4. which config has been activated in ReaSnow S1?
your settings for HIP/ADS /HIP YX Ratio/HIP MIN/ADS YX Ratio/ADS MIN/curve in this config
5. ReaSnow S1 firmware and APP version
6. a video to show us your trouble
please upload the video to youtube or other file-sharing servers, and send us the link.

You still don't even understand the importance of this issue.

The important thing is that you say 1000hz is supported,
In fact, if 1000hz does not work when connected to a PC, it is a fraud.
Because the only thing that actually reaches 1000hz is the mouse.
Because you restricted the mouse.
You should look at converters from other companies. How does it work?
It's not like there aren't better converters in the world that you should follow,
Why are you destroying yourselves like this?

Don't lose the competitive edge of your product.
Even if I answer some of the questions you listed.
Your answer doesn't seem to change.
You seem to be in a hurry to cover up the blemishes and shortcomings of your product.

I'll answer anyway.
1. only pc, apex legends (but the game doesn't matter)
2. dav3, dav3wired, gprox2, vxer1promax, dpi 3200and6400, pollingrate 1000,4000,8000.
4. only hip, xy100, min 0, curve default
5. v5.6.152, 1.6.18-64bit
6. nothing. u test self. (Seeing as you are asking this question, you still don?t know the seriousness of it)

The game has nothing to do with it.
Your idea of converters is seriously flawed.
This is a problem that must be accepted humbly rather than being conceited.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 12, 2024, 06:17:03 PM
Hi marronnier,

Here are a quick reply to you:

1. yes, we do accept your feedback and criticism,
and it's ok to show us the blemishes and shortcomings of our products,
you have the right to do that as our dear customer:)
and only those customers who devoted a lot of efforts and time can help us find them.
we should surely will use them for our improvements in the future humbly and willingly.
no doubt:)
that is how we treat all the posts on this forum.
2. and we do have most of the converters available in the market for comparisons,
we have done tests as many as possible with them.
I think it's a nature thing for most of our competitors if they are serious producers.
3. our brand and products and customers are the most dear things for us
4. currently, many keyboards can reach 1000hz easily

we will assess the possibility to boost the update rate of a mouse in the future,
if it brings better outcomes.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 12, 2024, 09:24:11 PM
Hi marronnier,

Here are a quick reply to you:

1. yes, we do accept your feedback and criticism,
and it's ok to show us the blemishes and shortcomings of our products,
you have the right to do that as our dear customer:)
and only those customers who devoted a lot of efforts and time can help us find them.
we should surely will use them for our improvements in the future humbly and willingly.
no doubt:)
that is how we treat all the posts on this forum.
2. and we do have most of the converters available in the market for comparisons,
we have done tests as many as possible with them.
I think it's a nature thing for most of our competitors if they are serious producers.
3. our brand and products and customers are the most dear things for us
4. currently, many keyboards can reach 1000hz easily

we will assess the possibility to boost the update rate of a mouse in the future,
if it brings better outcomes.

For some reason, limiting it to 125hz for [performance] may be a good scenario for consoles.
This is a bad scenario, at least on PC.
To achieve the best reaction speed when the opponent repeatedly moves left and right
The converted controller must have a high hz.
The higher the hz, the higher the responsiveness, which makes it easier to follow.
I hope the 125hz limit is lifted, at least on PC.

These days, mice/keyboards support up to 8000hz.
Even real controllers are trending toward 2000hz, and many people are busy looking for higher hz (1000hz or more).

Unless Reasnow S1's hardware resources are insufficient, be sure to remove the restriction.

All my stories are from PC.
I don't even want to know about the console.

Thank you..
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 13, 2024, 07:40:20 PM
yes, totally agree with you on this subject for faster reactions!

but just to open a common discussion between gamers!
1. mouse stability is also a very important thing for gamers,
when a mouse is set to 1000hz, its update rate is not always fixed at 1000hz,
it might vary from 980~1000hz. this will definitely bring unstabilities to mouse movement in competitive gaming, such as apex legends, or other fps games.
2. on pc, most of the screens are 60hz~320hz, even if a 1000hz input signals are provided,
   the game can only accumulate all the buffered data, and send them to the screen when the screen can refresh again.

in the end, we love your ideas, will give users an option to choose what they like in the future.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 14, 2024, 12:20:49 AM
but richard the 13~14th cpu generations and memory kits with 7200mhz already can support up to 8khz even the 10th~12th generation can do that easily so the 980~1000 not 1k constant means the pc is not well optimized real gamers would always love to see better latency so they can enjoy the gaming sessions + 1 more thing, im using the old version firmware the 4.22 now and i have found that on the very old firmware the movement stick and aiming stick was radial deadzone like full circle, but on the newest firmware the movement stick is on axial deadzone which is rectangle which decrease aim assist on apex legends, cuz basicly aa on apex legends depend on your movement stick more than your aiming stick, and unlucky the response time of the movement stick on reasnow is bad for the users like me who uses southpaw to loot without using hotkey or another profile which always always causes sens bleeding on the other profiles, there's too many stuff to discuss about reasnow s1 with you if you made a private discord so we can provide our 4 years experience with your device on apex legends would be better a way better communication and faster aswell
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 14, 2024, 12:34:19 AM
here is the 2020 version when reasnow s1 used to have a real aim assist on apex legends
i uploaded the firmware and the mobile application for the users who want to test but caution your profiles and your data all will be formatted so try to save them later if you will go back to the newer version of reasnow s1,the application for phone must be used on android phones :)

you can go to

and click on Test Circularity and compare between old and new firmware and mobile application versions
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 14, 2024, 12:38:33 AM
here is the firmware 4.22 2020 the legendary firmware    where deadzone was radial as a cirlcle not axial as rectangle
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 14, 2024, 02:16:03 AM
yes, totally agree with you on this subject for faster reactions!

but just to open a common discussion between gamers!
1. mouse stability is also a very important thing for gamers,
when a mouse is set to 1000hz, its update rate is not always fixed at 1000hz,
it might vary from 980~1000hz. this will definitely bring unstabilities to mouse movement in competitive gaming, such as apex legends, or other fps games.
2. on pc, most of the screens are 60hz~320hz, even if a 1000hz input signals are provided,
   the game can only accumulate all the buffered data, and send them to the screen when the screen can refresh again.

in the end, we love your ideas, will give users an option to choose what they like in the future.

It's no need to worry.
As you said, let the user choose that option.
Additionally, if you allow users to fine-tune smoothing-related options, you will be able to adjust the pointer position, which varies depending on hz, to fit mouse.

The biggest problem is,
you blocked the user from making a choice.

I believe this issue is the biggest factor holding the Reasnow S1 back from being the best in competitive games.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 14, 2024, 02:18:50 AM
here is the firmware 4.22 2020 the legendary firmware    where deadzone was radial as a cirlcle not axial as rectangle

This might be missing some of the latest features, right?

But does the mouse output well at 1000hz?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: reloadeedbr on April 14, 2024, 08:22:21 AM
I feel this too on consoles with each reasnow update it gets worse for me I play pubg and it sucks... apart from the fact that pubg hasn't been updated since it was released table photos of this one from the time of the dinosaurs other games have several modifications and updates
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 14, 2024, 08:29:58 AM
here is the firmware 4.22 2020 the legendary firmware    where deadzone was radial as a cirlcle not axial as rectangle

This might be missing some of the latest features, right?

But does the mouse output well at 1000hz?
i don't have c1 but you might try and test it's better for apex legends than the new versions if you used it correctly
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 15, 2024, 05:45:11 PM
yes, we knew 1000hz is a piece of cake for cpus, even for many old cpus.
but you can test those high-end gaming peripherals from Logitech or Razer,
the USB report rate can't be kept to a stable 1000hz,
it always varies a bit.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: richard on April 15, 2024, 05:47:58 PM
currently, smoothing is included in Aim Stabilizer in our APP,
we can try the existing options to find a suitable smoothing you like.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 16, 2024, 01:46:54 PM
currently, smoothing is included in Aim Stabilizer in our APP,
we can try the existing options to find a suitable smoothing you like.

What are you talking about?
When did I ask that?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 16, 2024, 05:02:07 PM
yes, totally agree with you on this subject for faster reactions!

but just to open a common discussion between gamers!
1. mouse stability is also a very important thing for gamers,
when a mouse is set to 1000hz, its update rate is not always fixed at 1000hz,
it might vary from 980~1000hz. this will definitely bring unstabilities to mouse movement in competitive gaming, such as apex legends, or other fps games.
2. on pc, most of the screens are 60hz~320hz, even if a 1000hz input signals are provided,
   the game can only accumulate all the buffered data, and send them to the screen when the screen can refresh again.

in the end, we love your ideas, will give users an option to choose what they like in the future.

It's no need to worry.
As you said, let the user choose that option.
Additionally, if you allow users to fine-tune smoothing-related options, you will be able to adjust the pointer position, which varies depending on hz, to fit mouse.

The biggest problem is,
you blocked the user from making a choice.

I believe this issue is the biggest factor holding the Reasnow S1 back from being the best in competitive games.

That might be a misunderstanding. Here's the smoothing option of S1. You can refer to the pic below.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 16, 2024, 05:08:21 PM
yes, totally agree with you on this subject for faster reactions!

but just to open a common discussion between gamers!
1. mouse stability is also a very important thing for gamers,
when a mouse is set to 1000hz, its update rate is not always fixed at 1000hz,
it might vary from 980~1000hz. this will definitely bring unstabilities to mouse movement in competitive gaming, such as apex legends, or other fps games.
2. on pc, most of the screens are 60hz~320hz, even if a 1000hz input signals are provided,
   the game can only accumulate all the buffered data, and send them to the screen when the screen can refresh again.

in the end, we love your ideas, will give users an option to choose what they like in the future.

It's no need to worry.
As you said, let the user choose that option.
Additionally, if you allow users to fine-tune smoothing-related options, you will be able to adjust the pointer position, which varies depending on hz, to fit mouse.

The biggest problem is,
you blocked the user from making a choice.

I believe this issue is the biggest factor holding the Reasnow S1 back from being the best in competitive games.

where is these options? which version? is it for normal users ??
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 16, 2024, 05:12:49 PM
1. Edit Config-More
2. The latest version
3. All users
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 16, 2024, 06:45:37 PM
1. Edit Config-More
2. The latest version
3. All users

what how it's not at the ios version??? what is the number of this version
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 17, 2024, 09:44:13 AM
App: 1.6.18 Firmware: 5.6.152
Same as an Android phone.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 20, 2024, 03:46:55 AM
bro :) it's not shown at the 1.6.18 or the .19 version !!! these option the deadzone and other stuff only for admin access i think so, can you please check :)) cuz it doesn't show for normal app users ,  , here also after the update of the firmware 152,  ,
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 20, 2024, 04:46:23 PM
1. Edit Config-More
2. The latest version
3. All users

so i want to know how all users?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 22, 2024, 10:00:20 AM
Here's the picture you uploaded before. It's over there, named Aim Stabilizer.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 22, 2024, 05:29:28 PM
im talking about these features
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 23, 2024, 10:42:01 AM
Some features will not be available for normal users.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 23, 2024, 02:04:23 PM
You are wrong.
I don't have a menu like this.
What on earth are you making and selling?
Do your job properly.
If you sell a product for money, fulfill your responsibility.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 23, 2024, 02:11:47 PM
The image you uploaded has the feature I mentioned before. It is called "Aim Stabilizer"
I apologize for uploading the wrong image earlier, it has been corrected.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: bobacato on April 23, 2024, 04:15:39 PM
Some features will not be available for normal users.
okey may i ask how not to be normal user? where do i can apply to be promoted to a higher user? ^^
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 23, 2024, 05:05:37 PM
We apologize that only our internal staff has access to these features.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on April 24, 2024, 11:10:45 PM
We apologize that only our internal staff has access to these features.

Please change the mouse to 1000hz right away. right now!
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Austin on April 25, 2024, 10:45:57 AM
Have put it on the waiting list.
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: Ragnarok on August 22, 2024, 05:43:54 PM
Hi,do we have any news about it?
Title: Re: Reasnow S1 - PC - Polling Rate Problem
Post by: marronnier_3532 on August 26, 2024, 06:20:32 AM
Have put it on the waiting list.

How much longer do I have to wait?
Reasnow S1 is also used by PC users.
Please remember.
I am your loyal customer.
And please add the ability to output keyboard keys to the macro function.